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Crafting of Statement of Purpose for Australia

Crafting of Statement of Purpose for Australia

For everybody of us who are in the field of study abroad this acronym- SOP is well known and has a special meaning. Our students take an extra lunch of headache for this particular testimonial. Many traders of words in the town have their moneymaking extracted from copyrighted personalization of statements of purpose for a sizable amount. 

The Recent amendments by the Australian High Commission pertaining to the SOP have further created a whataboutery in our fraternity. For one's and all, let's debunk the myths and misconceptions regarding SOP and be it transparently conveyed in service of our students, parents, the SOP specialist, and the word business industry in the town.

First of all, the SOP is not a visa-assuring parameter of a dossier. Only a good or paid version of your SOP does not guarantee the visa's success. So, you don't need to hire a professional writer to compensate for your academic and financial vulnerability. It will only increase the cost of your visa process.

Secondly, it is not a formatted research paper or a peer-reviewing document to be strictly abided by the conventional practice. You don't need to be bounded by the formatted text of the document as forwarded by your counselor. You can be creative, inquisitive, articulate, and eloquent on your own.

The Statement of purpose is neither a letter nor an essay. So you don't need to address the visa officer or the consular, nor should it be accompanied by the world of courtesy. The Cover letter attached along with the SOP is an appeal of the visa where you are permitted to have those gestures as a matter of courtesy.

The SOP must be written by the students themselves and not by the agent. We as a consultant can guide you, but we do not write on your behalf. Remember, the range of your language proficiency especially in writing should be in line with your presentation. We all know, anything deviation from a natural cause is a concern. It will only decimate your evaluation.

Furthermore, the High Commission has demanded to stick within 300 words. Obviously, it is a tough job to do but not impossible. In fact, it is designed for your convenience. 

Here are a few things that are irrelevant to your  statement:

  • Your long introduction, academic and language proficiency profile, gap justification, and financial declaration
  • Justification of why you chose Australia, City, and the University
  • Clarification on why you didn't choose another tier of education
  • Comparision between other destinations like the USA, Canada, and the UK

What you should really work on is justifying how an Australian Education would be on top of your local degree. You should stress the business value of your graduation, the financial return of your sponsors and strong attachment you withhold with your family and the nation.  



14 Dec
Crafting of Statement of Purpose for Australia
Written By: Pravat Adhikari

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